Thursday 22 January 2015



What is Livelihood? 

O A set of economic activities, involving self-employment and/or wage-employment
O by using one’s endowments (human and material)
O to generate adequate resources (cash and non-cash)
O for meeting the requirements of self and the household,
O usually carried out repeatedly and as such become a way of life.
A livelihood should keep a person meaningfully occupied, in a sustainable manner, with dignity
Why Promote Livelihoods? 

O More than 10 million people in India will be seeking work every year.
O To ensure full employment within a decade, more than 10 million new livelihoods will have to be generated every year
O dearth of resources for livelihood promotion
O Essential right of all human beings to equal opportunity
O Poor people do not have life choices nor do they have opportunities.
O Over a period of time, asset ownership, self-esteem and social participation
O Promote economic growth.
O Ensure social and political stability
What is a Livelihood Intervention? 

OLivelihood interventions are conscious efforts by an agency or an organization to promote and support livelihood opportunities for a large number of people
OGovernment program for development of irrigation.
ONational Rural Employment Program (NREP), refashioned as the Sampoorna Gram Samriddhi Yojana (SGSY)
OSwarna Jayanti Grameen Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
Oinstitutions such as the National Dairy Development Board, the Central Silk Board, the Coir Board, the National Horticultural Board, and the Development Commissioners for Handloom and Handicrafts
Odifferent regions and sectors, such as by SEWA, BAIF, MYRADA, AKRSP, PRADAN, RGVN and BASIX.

How we can increase her/his income, or net economic benefit from this activity  

OIncrease the volume of production
O Increase in the price
O Improve the quality
O Reduce the cost
O Reducing risk
O Reducing Avoidable/Wasteful Expenditure 

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