Thursday 22 January 2015

life style skill

                          Life style skill



what is skill ? 

A:- Skill is nothing but ability 

According to WHO we have a around 300 skill  these skills they divided 10/3 group heare we can see main 10 life style skill.

Ten major life style skill

  1. self- awerness

  2. Empathy

  3. critical thinking

  4. desession making

  5.   creative thinking

  6. problem solving

  7. effective communication

  8. interpersonal relationship

  9. coping with stress

  10. coping with emotion

  Self-awerness:-      self- awerness means is having a clear perspection of your personality  

Empathy :- empathy is noting but the ablity of understanding other person

Critical thinking:- this is one of the intealacual thinking, ex you have one probleam means you have to think diffrent kinds of soluation this is called critical thinking this is one kind of skill.

dession making:- dession making is thought of process of selacting logical choice right/ wrong

process of dession making

Identify problem

defin the problem

clarify your objeactive

identify altirenative soluation

probleam analysis 

How to make better desssion

Increase your knowaldage 

ask quastion

get expereans

do your research

Creative thinking:- creative thinking is genaration new idea or doscover the thing.

probleam solving:- the process of working thought detiles of the probleam to reach a soluation.

What kind's of skill we need probleam solving

  • making juadgment 

  • analytical skill

  • Decision making

  • callacting information

  • planing 

    Interpersonal Relationship:-   interpersonal relationship is affiation between two or more people. in this process we have to have three main relationship,

    1. ourselves positive

    2. self- confidance

    3. co-opratiom among member  

       Emotion:- emotion is nothing but felling. ex  sad& happy

    How to imporve emotionl quastion (E Q)  

   do self evaluation

look at work enviorenment

take respansibality for your action

obsere how you react to people

how you react stress full situations 


these kinds of skill we have to have a in our life 





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