Saturday 15 November 2014

exsternal village study module

village study on shagoti
external village study research 
Village Backround

 Shagoti  village comes under the Gadag dist.and Gadag tq.In this village the total population 2780 in this population the total women’s  are  1056 and men 1256 and children are 468. It has a high school and two anganwadis.  
Our Topic About The Extended Village Study
  Comparative study of child Delivery in hospitals and  houses

Hypothesis :-  Delivery rate in Hospital is more           than at home

To collect the data of deliveries (Birth &death )   in  hospitals or house

   Death and birth ratios of chilled

    To analyze about  mother died  more in hospital   or house 

Primary data

Secondary data

 During 2011 to 2014 How many delivery have done in hospital and  house 
During 2011 How many babies  died at delivery time 
How many pregnant ladies are like to hospital   delivery 
  During  2012 How many children get disease from mother 
During 2011 to 2014 How many have done normal and   sesiaren    delivery 
 Major Findings 

Women education level in this village is good.

Death rate is low

Most of them like to hospital delivery

More aware about women health


Develop relation ship





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