Saturday 15 November 2014

Accountancy Module

Accountancy Module 

I would like to share about the Accountancy module this was conducted by the Mr. Prasanna He has covered by hardily fore session in that session what most of the things he covered by basic thing, theory for the understanding, and the main thing was the he come to basically, he was some things are bellow  Basic things are
       What is accounting: Account is a record keeping, dividing, classifying, summarizing, analyzing, giving the report, called by account.  It is a book of record keeping day to day transection of the relative of cash activities.
v Types of Accounts:  * Current account,   *saving account,
Why we need to account:-
     If we start of one own any business the done some many kinds of activities the we done some active the we don’t now the how is our business run and how much expenses and remaining balance we have we can find out the by if record keeping.
v Types Business:-
*Indusial               Business                              * Partnership          -
*Company              -                                       * Law of Demand      -

Law of Demand
 “When demand is more price well increasing
Less demand price all so decreasing “
v Types of Income:-
Earned income                        Portfolio income
Passive    -
v Types of liability
Fixed              liability                     long term liability
Currant          liability                    financial      -
 Tread                  -
These kinds of I leanrt other thing general thing are about share marketing, how to chaing, why, relative of account things learnt . 

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