Sunday 9 November 2014

Time management module

 Time management

objective of time management
• Decide whether a meeting is needed
• Consider if it’s the most cost effective way to communicate
• Think through the objectives of the meeting in advance
• Decide who should attend – do they need to be there for the whole
• Tell those attending the meeting what is to be discussed and why
• Make sure they know what the meeting is intended to achieve
• Circulate reports etc prior to the meeting
• Arrange the agenda in a logical order
• Use ‘Action Agenda’ format e.g. “To decide on the color of the new
carpet for reception” and NOT “To discuss the new carpet in reception.”
• Allot the correct amount of time for each subject
• Distinguish between urgent and important items and don’t let the
former take up too much time
Structure and Control
• Nominate a chair who MUST stick to allocated time slots and control
• Structure the discussions so that evidence comes before interpretation
and interpretation before decisions
• Keep the stages separate
• Stop people jumping to the next stage or going back over old ground
Summaries and record
• Summaries and record decisions and action points

Time Management and Goal Setting


Clocks "Time management refers to a range of skills, tools, and techniques utilized to accomplish specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompass a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities also. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools and techniques."

Steps: Making Effective Time Management Decisions

C Compare activities (are some less important?)
H How will your choice affect you later? (consequences)
O Order your priorities
I Inscribe (write) scheduling decisions in your planner
C Carry out the plan you have made
E Enjoy being in control of your time!

In this module i learnt what is the value of time how we can utilize and how to make a cheek list why it's important these because passing time we not getting again  it's shows discipline and effectiveness of our work you have to do any work time is very important in our life 


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